How to install EmergiNet's MEERAS on your phone

8E-MEERAS is the ultimate life-saving app!

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How to download/install and use the Call-for-Help (CFH) app

1. Download/install the CFH app on your mobile device on Playstore and/or App Store. Click the buttons below.

2. Once the installation is complete, open the CFH app.

3. Sign up for a CFH account by providing the required information. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

4. Message us through our Facebook page to obtain your CFH Registration Code.

5. After receiving your CFH Registration Code, enter it along with the other required information to complete your registration as a CFH user.

6. To report any emergency, hold the “Report Emergency” button for at least 3 seconds.

7. Select the type of emergency you’re experiencing if fire, security, medical, or disaster.

8. Press “Report” button to send the emergency.

9. Wait for the nearest responder to arrive at your location.

Note: It is crucial to provide accurate and clear information about your emergency when reporting through the CFH app to ensure prompt and effective assistance. Remember, the CFH app should be used for genuine emergencies only. Misusing the app can divert resources from those in real need.

How to download/install and use the Responder app:


1. Download/install the Responder app on your mobile device on Playstore and/or App Store. The buttons are below.

2. Once the installation is complete, open the Responder app.

3. Sign up for a Responder account by providing the required information. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

4. Click “Register Account” button.

5. Message us through our Facebook page to obtain your unique Responder Registration Code.

6. After receiving your Responder Registration Code, enter it along with the other required information to complete your registration as a responder.

7. Once your registration is complete, you are ready to start using the Responder app.

8. The Responder app will automatically trigger an alarm whenever an emergency is reported by a nearby user of the Call-for-Help (CFH) app.

9. To accept a reported emergency, click the “Accept” button when prompted.

10. Upon accepting an emergency, the Responder app will provide you with the identity, contact information, and location of the CFH app user who reported the emergency.

11. Once the emergency is resolved, click the “Complete” button. If further assistance is needed, click “Update Emergency Level.”

Note: As a responder, it is crucial to handle emergencies promptly and efficiently. Ensure that you maintain open communication with the CFH app user and provide the necessary assistance based on the situation.

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